Kamis, 26 Mei 2022

Together, Presenting a Peaceful Papua Without Hoaxes and Provocations

 By : Anggara Purista (Netizen/Sociology Student UIN Jakarta) 

Which citizen wants his country to be in division or turmoil? Then which citizen wants the problems in his country to drag on? No one wants for sure. This includes Indonesian citizens who do not want their unity and integrity to be damaged. But consciously or not, sometimes we forget that diversity is a gift that must be respected and upheld and respected.

In fact, this country is founded on the existing diversity. That diversity should make us great. Make Indonesia a great country. We have different religions and races. However, it should make us able to respect each other.

However, various events are worrying that there are still parties who continue to provoke and contradict existing beliefs for misguided interests which result in friction within the community such as riots which are allegedly caused by racist statements against Papuans. The riots were triggered by the issue of hate speech that offended the indigenous Papuan people.

Believe it or not, these hate speeches have triggered a long-standing problem that the people of Papua feel that they want to separate from Indonesia. Moreover, the provocation on social media is getting more massive. With various hoax news and provocations carried out by parties who always want to destroy the Indonesian nation. It can be ascertained that this rich Infonesian is the target of certain parties who want to control all the wealth that exists in Indonesia.

In addition, the riots that occurred in Papua were inseparable from the intervention of foreign parties and internal parties carried out by spreading hoaxes on social media. Not a bit of misguided propaganda emerged from various parties, both outside and inside, the aim was to create instability in Papua. Seeing this, it is clear that the conditions in Papua and West Papua are getting worse, where the Indonesian government and the Papuan people are actively building and needing a peaceful and conducive situation in Papua.

                                                                        Foto: ctreemagz.id

The existence of foreign interference in efforts to take action demanding Papuan independence, must be understood by all parties because foreign parties with interests will not leave Indonesia intact. They will always conspire for their economic and political interests through various means. We should be able to learn from the case of East Timor which has proven successful in separating itself from Indonesia as a result of our lack of vigilance and unity in overcoming various asymmetrical threats at this time which are packaged in a democratic process and cover the issue of human rights, namely the right to self-determination. The same thing is currently being voiced to the Papuan people with all the maneuvers of the separatist groups, so that an independent Papua is not the solution, it actually strengthens the grip of foreign parties, as explained by Komaruddin Hidayat (Political Observer) that there will be parties who are happy with the release of Papua. In fact, this is only in the interests of some political elites who cooperate with imperialist countries.

Therefore, it takes the attitude of all of us who care in this matter, against the elements and provocateurs to fight the hoax itself. Do not let them easily surf and spread information that ends in false propaganda. This is all because Papua is us, we are Indonesia. We are brothers, and let us create a peaceful Papua without hoaxes. By fighting the spreaders of hoaxes by spreading positive narratives, not by taking negative actions.

Source: kataindonesia.com

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